Conversing Without Agreeing (and Living to Tell the Tale)

Conversing Without Agreeing (and Living to Tell the Tale)

I grew up hearing that politics and religion were never discussed at the table. Those conversations were a sure path to disagreement, an uncomfortable destination I learned to avoid. As if a conversation required prior agreement between all parties, where the first condition was to be aligned in thought, with no adventurous questioning and, certainly, no controversial topics.

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Between Points

Between Points

“We will talk more between points”, my dad would say to me as a child every time we played tennis. I’m not sure if it was the grandeur of the club, my dad’s elegance in his Fila tracksuit, the green and red colors of the court, or simply knowing that we had this unmovable appointment, just the two of us, but Wednesdays became my favorite day.

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How to Connect with Our Children's Emotions

How to Connect with Our Children's Emotions

"It is scientifically proven that the greatest force for the physical and mental health of a teenager is a good relationship with a caring adult." I remembered this phrase from Dr. Lisa Damour, a specialist in adolescents and advisor for Inside Out 2, as I was leaving the theater after watching this extraordinary movie with my family. I still can't believe I had the great fortune of meeting Dr. Damour and learning so much from her at the Summit in Washington, DC a few months ago.

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The Dichotomy of Letting your Children Soar

The Dichotomy of Letting your Children Soar

was driving at night on the road from Waco to Houston, ready to cry. A Texan journey back home that was too straight and dark, not to mention boring. No curves or mountains to make it a bit more entertaining, or at least more like the ones I used to drive in Mexico. I had just experienced a moment I never thought would happen to me and one that had been looming over me for several years. I had dropped off my daughter at college.

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How to Reclaim Your Space Without Guilt

How to Reclaim Your Space Without Guilt

In times of change, it is crucial for me to pay attention to not neglect the routines that make me feel good because if I prioritize them at the bottom of my list, it immediately impacts my physical and mental health. To respect those routines, I know I have to reclaim my space, and in these schedule-less months, it's quite a challenge. Over the years, I have become more assertive in seeking and finding those moments, but do they really give me what I need?

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Yes! Parents Are Still The Number One Influence On Their Kids.

Yes! Parents Are Still The Number One Influence On Their Kids.

I always wonder if my kids are really listening when we engage in conversations about significant topics. Are they truly getting what I’m trying to tell them? Am I paying enough attention and listening to what they have to say as well?

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2020: Radical Honesty for a Radical Year

2020: Radical Honesty for a Radical Year

Living in a polarized country, cornered by a pandemic has led me to have conversations with my children that I never thought I would have at their young ages. Topics like abortion, racism, misogyny, respect, the electoral college, science, death, the structure of the American government, the use of a mask, and the good of humanity are incredibly complex conversations that happen daily in my house this year 2020.

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