World's Largest Kids Triathlon

Just a few years ago, I discovered the enormous satisfaction you get when you commit to a challenge, train really hard to be able to do it, cross the finish line and receive a medal at the end of the road. Without a doubt, every single one of the races in which I’ve participated, has filled me with that incomparable feeling of pride and achievement.

When I discovered this, I immediately wanted my kids to experience it and above all to teach them at a young age that they are able to achieve anything they want. And what better way to do it, than participating in a triathlon. 

Houston host every year the Houston Texans Kids Triathlon and for the second year in a row they’ve managed to be the largest kids triathlon in the world. Yes! In the whole world and in my beloved city.

So Sunday April 19th, more than 3000 athletes between 6 and 15 years were gathered in the University of Houston to live one of the most fulfilling experiences at their young age. Two of those 3000 athletes, were my daughters and they were able to finish this hard task with a huge smile on their faces.

After ten weeks of training, my eight and ten-year old daughters woke up at 6 am that Sunday filled with excitement, nervousness and expectation, ready to participate in such a huge event.

We got to the University, and it was really shocking to see 3000 families cheering for their athletes, 3000 bikes ready in the transition area, 3000 excited triathletes with their numbers marked in their arms and legs waiting to be called to begin swimming, but overall seeing the hundreds of volunteers. Without them it would have been impossible to achieve an event so organized and safe for all its participants.  

You have no idea how emotional my husband and I got when we saw our daughters participating around the course. We lost our voices with all the rooting and cheering we did when they were swimming, running and riding their bikes with such dedication and effort. I have to confess that me, and several moms around me, shed a tear when we saw our kids crossing the finish line. And my tears were not only for seeing them achieve their goal, but also for seeing in their eyes how proud they felt of themselves for completing such an incredible achievement. Just like and advertising campaign said a few years ago… “Seeing your kids cross the finish line, priceless”

So now you know, if you want your kids to experience a very positive but overall fun activity, Yo Mariana invite you all to participate next year in the Houston Texans Kids Triathlon. It doesn’t matter what experience level or athletic ability your kids have, they all are welcomed.

Thanks so much to all the organizers, but especially to all the volunteers that participated in the event.

Here I share some more pictures.

For more information you can visit this website: Houston Texans Kids Triathlon.

See you all on 2016!

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Yo Mariana

Welcome to Yo Mariana! I share experiences through my photos and stories in my bilingual Houston lifestyle blog. Click here to learn more about what to do, eat and see in Houston, read fun reviews about products that I like, my personal stories and even some running tips.