Happy New Year!

A very different kind of year comes to an end. A year full of surprises, a year filled with fears that were conquered, a year filled with new adventures that I witnessed through my kids’ eyes as they explored new countries.

The two cities that I love the most in the world, Houston and Mexico City suffered great pain but showed how strong and resilient they are and made me love them even more. This year on top of being a wife a mom, a daughter and a sister, I add to the list being an aunt again, this time to my brother’s sons and welcomed these two new lives to my world.

Today I welcome 2018 with just one feeling inside me, gratitude. Thanks 2017 for the good, the bad, the inexplicable, the incoherent and for everything else that made me experience gratitude from every latitude. Welcome 2018, I’m ready to welcome you with open arms.

Happy New Year!